Our company culture- now and for the future

Photo: Kasper M de Thurah

Focus Nordic’s company culture is highly influenced by Scandinavian values. Since we now are active in 15 European countries, it is important to be open to new input and ideas while still maintaining values that make sense to our organization and our employees.

All employees and all countries within Focus Nordic provide valuable qualities and skills that we must embrace. It is also important that all employees embrace the Focus Nordic company culture, share a common set of values and act in a way that always follows that Focus Nordic stands for.

Our core values

Photo: Marcin Ciepielewski


We are dedicated to our brands, suppliers, customers and industry as well as to the task that we each perform. All tasks are important and indispensable. Dedication, interest and unity are required in all functions and departments. We are one team, which we all are dedicated to.

Photo: Lena Lee

Professional and friendly

We are professional and friendly. We only exist as long as it makes sense to our suppliers and we add value to our customers. We treat all customers, suppliers and colleagues friendly, respectfully and equal. We are confident and act with resolve, but always remember to actively listen to other’s motivations and thoughts. It should be fun to go to work.

Photo: Göran Strand


The importance of being available can’t be overestimated. It should be easy for our partners to do business with us. Customers and suppliers may contact whomever they want within Focus Nordic. We communicate across the organization and reply swiftly. We have the same amount of respect for customers, suppliers and colleagues.

Photo: Lisa Sihlberg


We are confidenting taking responsibility and making decisions. We don’t have a zero mistake company culture. Making mistakes are acceptable and we take responsibility for our own mistakes, to correct and avoid repeating them. This makes us credible as a company and as individuals.

Photo: Jonas Borg

Embrace changes

We accept and embrace that changes always will come. Demands by the market, customers and suppliers will change the way we work in the future.

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